If you allow it, the military career will take more than it gives. It can challenge the strongest military marriage and seduce military leaders into believing their career is more important than WHO they become. The Lifegiver podcast began as a way to encourage, inspire, and bring hope to leaders and military couples when they feel burned out and they’ve lost their way. For almost 20 years, I have served the military and veteran population as a counselor, speaker, author, and subject matter expert on military culture. Lifegiver offers discussions and interviews on personal and leadership development and ways to breathe life into your military marriage and home. Real stories, expert interviews, and honest conversation.
Monday Aug 02, 2021
S6 E21 Restoration in Relationships, Pt 1
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Today’s episode is part of a three part series on Restoration. In this series, Corie will unpack God’s design for restoration in relationships especially your marriage.
Recorded at a faith-based event in Oregon, Corie shares how your marriage can move past hurt and into a more intimate and forgiving place. While the Lifegiver Podcast is not necessarily a faith based podcast, it is a place for honest conversation and we believe that conversation often needs to address the deeper questions of spirituality and deeper healing for the soul.
Here is a view of Maslow's Ladder, referenced in the episode.
If you are looking for professional help, be sure to check out the Lifegiver Directory- full of clinicians that understand your lifestyle. Many of them are military spouses and veterans. find it here: www.lifegiverdirectory.com
Find out more about me www.corieweathers.com or www.life-giver.org
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
S6 E20 Our New Normal USO Series Finale Pt2
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Matt and I join the USO to finish our series called "You're Leaving Again?" with sharing our lessons learned from the deployment as well as answering YOUR questions. Learn how to vision cast for your family and get your marriage to a new healthier place.
Tools and concepts discussed during the series apply to all types of military-initiated separations; from deployments and trainings, to geo-bachelor tours, unaccompanied tours, and even third shift schedules.
To access the Series dashboard, including the videos and handouts: https://www.uso.org/campaign/mvp-youre-leaving-again
If you are looking for professional help, be sure to check out the Lifegiver Directory- full of clinicians that understand your lifestyle. Many of them are military spouses and veterans. find it here: www.lifegiverdirectory.com
Find out more about me www.corieweathers.com or www.life-giver.org
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
S6 E19: Our New Normal USO Series Finale Pt 1
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Matt and I join the USO to finish our series called "You're Leaving Again?" with sharing our lessons learned from the deployment as well as answering YOUR questions. Learn how to vision cast for your family and get your marriage to a new healthier place.
Tools and concepts discussed during the series apply to all types of military-initiated separations; from deployments and trainings, to geo-bachelor tours, unaccompanied tours, and even third shift schedules.
To access the Series dashboard, including the videos and handouts: https://www.uso.org/campaign/mvp-youre-leaving-again
If you are looking for professional help, be sure to check out the Lifegiver Directory- full of clinicians that understand your lifestyle. Many of them are military spouses and veterans. find it here: www.lifegiverdirectory.com
Find out more about me www.corieweathers.com or www.life-giver.org
Monday Jun 07, 2021
S6 E18 Reintegration, Pt 2
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Matt and I join the USO to talk about how we are handling Reintegration in the "You're Leaving, Again?" series! Reintegration never gets easier, it just changes depending on the season you are in. Coming off a year of COVID and a deployment, Matt seemed to be in a much better spot than I was. In this episode we share our ups and downs and how we are navigating bringing our two separate worlds together.
Tools and concepts discussed during the series apply to all types of military-initiated separations; from deployments and trainings, to geo-bachelor tours, unaccompanied tours, and even third shift schedules.
To access the Series dashboard, including the videos and handouts:
If you are looking for professional help, be sure to check out the LIfegiver Directory- full of clinicians that understand your lifestyle. Many of them are military spouses and veterans. find it here: www.lifegiverdirectory.com
Find out more about me www.corieweathers.com or www.life-giver.org
Monday Jun 07, 2021
S6 E17 Reintegration, Pt 1
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Matt and I join the USO to talk about how we are handling Reintegration in the "You're Leaving, Again?" series. Reintegration never gets easier, it just changes depending on the season you are in. Coming off a year of COVID and a deployment, Matt seemed to be in a much better spot than I was. In this episode we share our ups and downs and how we are navigating bringing our two separate worlds together.
Tools and concepts discussed during the series apply to all types of military-initiated separations; from deployments and trainings, to geo-bachelor tours, unaccompanied tours, and even third shift schedules.
To access the Series dashboard, including the videos and handouts: https://www.uso.org/campaign/mvp-youre-leaving-again
If you are looking for professional help, be sure to check out the LIfegiver Directory- full of clinicians that understand your lifestyle. Many of them are military spouses and veterans. find it here: www.lifegiverdirectory.com
Find out more about me www.corieweathers.com or www.life-giver.org
Sunday May 30, 2021
S6 E16: The Power of Awareness with Dan Shilling
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
In his thirty years in special operations Dan Schilling conducted combat and clandestine missions around the world, founded and then commanded two special operations squadrons—the second one of America's most clandestine special mission units—and worked alongside the CIA, FBI, and NSA to defeat terrorists as well as biological and nuclear weapons proliferation. An adrenaline enthusiast, Schilling is a professional demonstration skydiver, holds the Guinness World Record for most BASE jumps in twenty-four hours, and is a mountain speedwing pilot. For more information on his projects, visit him at DanSchillingBooks.com.
On this episode, we are talking about his newest book, "The Power of Awareness"- where he shares his training and experience on how to stay safe, know your surroundings, reduce your digital footprint, and trust your intuition. "The Power of Awareness" comes out the week of June 1, 2021.
If you are looking for professional help, be sure to check out the LIfegiver Directory- full of clinicians that understand your lifestyle. Many of them are military spouses and veterans. find it here: www.lifegiverdirectory.com
Find out more about me www.corieweathers.com or www.life-giver.org
Tuesday May 25, 2021
S6 E15 Launching Out of COVID Stronger
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
It seems odd to officially launch Season 6 as the USO series is coming to a close but it could not be a more perfect time to talk about coming out of the last year and a half STRONGER. That is the theme for this season. Listen in as I give an update on the impact of change in my life and how the last year may have impacted your's. We will talk about tips for recovering and finding what brings you joy. Even more, if you are a leader or wanting to get involved more in your community, this season is for you. We will talk about what I am seeing will be needed in our culture to get us back to a place of valuing community and engaging in more face to face opportunities.
If you are looking for professional help, be sure to check out the LIfegiver Directory- full of clinicians that understand your lifestyle. Many of them are military spouses and veterans. find it here: www.lifegiverdirectory.com
Find out more about me www.corieweathers.com or www.life-giver.org
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
S6 E14 Restoring Trust after Deep Wounds Pt 2
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
The USO is launching a new virtual series with Corie and Matt Weathers on how military families can stay strong while apart. Corie and Matt Weathers will share how they are keeping their military marriage strong through a season apart - as well as tips for how you can do the same.
Tools and concepts discussed during the series apply to all types of military-initiated separations; from deployments and trainings, to geo-bachelor tours, unaccompanied tours, and even third shift schedules.
Restoring trust after it has been broken can be scary, confusing, and difficult to navigate. Depending on if you are dealing small of large infractions, deep hurt in your relationship can be healed and restored. In this episode, Matt and I talk about how you can ask for trust to be restored, or do the hard work to earn it back. Even if you have been devastated by betrayal, there is hope. Listen in and find out how.
To access the Series dashboard, including the videos and handouts: https://www.uso.org/campaign/mvp-youre-leaving-again
Forgiveness: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-ajqyv-b8c9f1
My Strategy for Affair Recovery: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-5jwg4-b63b20
Here are some of the resources mentioned throughout the episode:
My interview with Dr. Mike Sytsma
Here is also my podcast on “Sin in a Christian Marriage” Part 1 & Part 2
More Resources:
• Torn Asunder by Dave Carder. There is also a workbook available for this book. (faith based)
• Unfaithful: Hope and Healing After Infidelity by Gary & Mona Shriver (faith based)
• Secrets to Surviving Infidelity by Scott Haltzman
• After the Affair by Janis Spring
Rebuilding Trust Video – Using the image of a “trust bucket,” Dr. Mike addresses rebuilding trust after an affair.
Setbacks in Marriage- The Podcast Episode
Women & the Tough Bible Verses– (Topic of Submission and gender roles in the Bible- Authentic Intimacy)
People Are More Important Than Marriage– Authentic Intimacy, When you shouldn’t fight for your marriage
Sexual Intimacy and Post Affair with Mike Sytsma
How do Affairs Happen? New Life Church, Brady Boyd
So You’ve Hit a Marriage Setback: 3 Steps
Military Marriage: When to Separate
Mike Sytsma- Betrayal & Affair Recovery (articles and video)
Protecting Your Marriage from an Affair
Mission Ready Marriage: My Life As An Active Duty Wife Claire Wood
Sacred Spaces: My Journey to the Heart of Military Marriage Corie Weathers
If you are looking for professional help, be sure to check out the LIfegiver Directory- full of clinicians that understand your lifestyle. Many of them are military spouses and veterans. find it here: www.lifegiverdirectory.com
Find out more about me www.corieweathers.com or www.life-giver.org