If you allow it, the military career will take more than it gives. It can challenge the strongest military marriage and seduce military leaders into believing their career is more important than WHO they become. The Lifegiver podcast began as a way to encourage, inspire, and bring hope to leaders and military couples when they feel burned out and they’ve lost their way. For almost 20 years, I have served the military and veteran population as a counselor, speaker, author, and subject matter expert on military culture. Lifegiver offers discussions and interviews on personal and leadership development and ways to breathe life into your military marriage and home. Real stories, expert interviews, and honest conversation.

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Listen now to the Season 8 Finale of what it means to "Be Well". Right now the culture is struggling with a mental health crisis where we are confusing mental illness with mental health and mental wellness. What is the difference? And what is the next step towards you being truly well... Let's figure it out together.
Pre-order Military Culture Shift (All pre-orders are autographed!)
Subscribe to the Military Culture Shift Podcast
Sign up for my monthly newsletter here!
For more content and resources visit www.life-giver.org
We want to hear from you - It helps us serve you better! Send us an email at podcast@corieweathers.com
Want to work with Corie? Check out https://www.corieweathers.com/ for more info.
Song Credits: "You and Me" Tamas Kolozsvari

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
After hearing concerns on social media of Matt and I practicing yoga and prayerful meditation, I knew it was time to invite my dear friend Amber Mattingly, DMin to the podcast to share her story. This is a faith-based episode that addresses the biggest fears and questions around these practices.
Amber began yoga when her son was newly diagnosed with autism. She was overwhelmed, frightened for his future, worried about her marriage, and frustrated at life. At the height of this experience, she stopped sleeping for a whole year. She was not the youthful mom coming to yoga to learn handstands and complicated poses. Instead, she was the young mom barely able to make it through the day who ended up spending most of the time crying on her mat.
For her, yoga is a tool that reconnected her with her true self, strengthened connection with something greater than myself, and built relationships based on humility, compassion & radical amazement!
Amber met Pema while pursuing her Doctor of Ministry degree in Compassion based Leadership and they wondered what might happen if people from different faith traditions shared a prayer/meditation practice. Would they grow spiritually together while deepening their connection to their own faith tradition? This curiosity lead them to develop a study that included Buddhist and Christian practitioners. What we found were some hidden treasures!
Find out more about Amber: https://ambermattinglylivefree.com/
Read Amber and Pema's book: A Leap of (inter)Faith

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Marriage & Parenting Through Medical & Neurodiverse Challenges (EFMP)
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
The military lifestyle's stress is hard enough on marriage, but what happens when you add a medical diagnosis? A child in need of extra care? In this episode, we explore Aaron and Monica Harding's story of finding help for their son, themselves, and their marriage.
The Harding's son Jackson (17) was diagnosed with SynGAP in 2015, at age 10. Today, with children aged 24, 21 and 17, his wife, Monica, is now just learning how to take time away. And, according to Aaron, “that’s only because we started family therapy ~2 years ago.”
Children living with SynGAP live with symptoms that include: autism / intellectual disabilities / sleep issues / behavior issues / seizures (sometimes a hundred a day) / delayed fine motor and language skills.
Today, there is no cure, only medications that treat individual symptoms. Each case is different and brings its own unique challenges. For families like the Sandersons and the Hardings, those challenges are even more acute as they navigate the complexities of military life.
Sign up for my monthly newsletter here!
For more content and resources visit www.life-giver.org
We want to hear from you - It helps us serve you better! Send us an email at podcast@corieweathers.com
Want to work with Corie? Check out https://www.corieweathers.com/ for more info.
Song Credits: "You and Me" Tamas Kolozsvari

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Choosing Hard Things Can Unexpectedly Change Your Life
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
My new book Military Culture Shift is now available for pre-order and will launch November 14th! Order Here
Subscribe to the Military Culture Shift Podcast NOW!
In this episode, I talk about the power of choosing hard things and the character development that comes from the process. We are so used to only choosing activities that we will feel successful at. After a while, we are siloed into a lifestyle and career where we believe the lie that we have to be successful at whatever we put our mind to. Instead, think about what brings you joy, or what used to bring you joy, and consider valuing yourself enough to go back to it and give it a chance.
At 44, I picked up the cello after loving the sound of it my whole life. I had no idea just how much I was going to have to face some things in my life that have long needed to be addressed. Listen in as we talk about how to choose what your "hard thing" will be, what sabotages us from trying, how to develop the grit to persevere through discouragement and obstacles, and how it translates to our personal wellness and leadership in and out of the home.
Mentioned in this episode:
Angela Duckworth: Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance and her TedTalk.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter here!
For more content and resources visit www.life-giver.org
We want to hear from you - It helps us serve you better! Send us an email at podcast@corieweathers.com
Want to work with Corie? Check out https://www.corieweathers.com/ for more info.
Song Credits: "You and Me" Tamas Kolozsvari

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Bonus Trailer: Military Culture Shift Podcast
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
A sneak peek at the new Military Culture Shift Limited Series Podcast!
Subscribe NOW here on Apple!
Also available on Podbean and coming soon to other platforms.
Pre-order Military Culture Shift, Out November 14th!
Based on the book, Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers. This podcast offers leaders an opportunity to understand the growing shifts happening within the military culture as an immersive supplement to the book. Based on 15 years of research, counseling, and teaching the military culture across all branches. Gain insights on changing perspectives within the culture, generational shifts in authority, the impact of Department of Defense budget decisions, emerging social trends within the military community, and the cumulative effect of two decades of the War on Terror on military family wellness.
Pre-order your copy of Military Culture Shift here. Out November 14th

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
A Strengths-based Approach Changes Everything in Leadership & Marriage
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Listen in for how a strengths-based approach changes the way we view our relationships, work, and even our perception of ourselves. After over a decade of helping individuals, leaders, and couples discover what their talents are, it has been incredible to watch marriages heal from miscommunication, differences, and betrayal, helping individuals heal through loss, and find joy in doing what they are exceptionally talented at. Whether you are a leader looking for a new tool that increases communication and productivity or looking to change the patterns of communication in your home, the strengths approach helps you work with what you already do well and use that to address what you aren't good at. It also sets you free from being all things to all people, and lets you just be you.
Here are a few links mentioned in the episode:
- Gallup Strengthsfinder Assessment (Top 5 or Full 34)
- The Standout Assessment by Marcus Buckingham
- Strengths-based Coaching with Corie Weathers
Sign up for my monthly newsletter here!
For more content and resources visit www.life-giver.org
We want to hear from you - It helps us serve you better! Send us an email at podcast@corieweathers.com
Want to work with Corie? Check out https://www.corieweathers.com/ for more info.
Song Credits: "You and Me" Tamas Kolozsvari

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Matt & Corie Talk Leadership & Influence
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Matt joins me for an episode where we discuss what it takes to achieve "voluntary followership"- in other words, what does it take to lead in a way that people actually want to follow? We also cover the following:
- How do you find the time to invest in those around you when your life and job are already too busy?
- What does it look like to invest in the next generation, especially if they have differing values from you?
- How can your decisions today impact the entire organization?
Sign up for our monthly newsletter here!
For more content and resources visit www.life-giver.org
We want to hear from you - It helps us serve you better! Send us an email at podcast@corieweathers.com
Want to work with Corie? Check out https://www.corieweathers.com/ for more info.
Song Credits: "You and Me" Tamas Kolozsvari

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
A Military Commander’s Example of Servant Leadership with Paul McCullough
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
This interview was inspired by an article that Lt. Col. (Rev.) Paul McCullough wrote. Check it out here: https://www.ausa.org/articles/accomplish-mission-love
Lt. Col. (Rev.) Paul McCullough, U.S. Army retired, is president of the Association of the U.S. Army’s Penn & Franklin-Greater Philadelphia Chapter and an Army Reserve Ambassador from Pennsylvania. He served 20 years in the Army, retiring in 2018 as deputy director for supplier operations, Defense Logistics Agency. He deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2005, and in 2017 as commander of the DLA Support Team-Kuwait. He holds a doctorate in business administration from Walden University.
Find out more about the NEW Military Bible Challenge App by visiting: https://www.revdrpaul.com/
You can also download the app: Apple or Android
Sign up for our monthly newsletter here!
For more content and resources visit www.life-giver.org
We want to hear from you - It helps us serve you better! Send us an email at podcast@corieweathers.com
Want to work with Corie? Check out https://www.corieweathers.com/ for more info.
Song Credits: "You and Me" Tamas Kolozsvari